Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sleepover With Savannah!

One of the things I love in life is being an aunt..Aunt Stace as a matter of fact! Ha! My niece Savannah is three and my nephew Houston is eleven months old. I seriously dont know if I could love anyone else as much as I love these two! I never thought being an aunt would be so much fun! I just can't get enough!

Last night was my last night at my parent's house before heading back to Abilene, so of course a sleepover was in order! Matt and Courtney (my brother and SIL) had plans to go out with a friend so it worked out perfectly. Grans (my mom) and Poppy (my dad) and I watch the kids while they went to dinner. Hoo Hoo was running a little fever, but in this picture you can't tell one bit the poor little guy wasn't his happy self.

Here's some fun pictures from our sleepover!

Me & Sav showing off our jeggings!
Apparently I need to work on my modeling skills...I think Sav has it down! haha!

Poppy surprised us with some whip cream for our hot cocoa!
We were really excited if you can't tell! Hahaha!

Savannah putting "sour cream" in her hot cocoa.

Next she had to have a little taste test. Don't worry right after this picture she tried to pick up the mug on her own & spilled it all over herself. As Savannah would say though " accidents happen!" Hahaha!

Our hot cocoa picnic while watching the Polar express!

I love you Savannah Grace! You make my heart so happy! I cant wait for many fun memories to come with you!

This morning Matt, Court & Hoo Hoo joined us for pancakes.
What a way to end my holiday break! I am so blessed for my amazing family!