Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well hello there!
Have you ever just had a moment where someone says something and it's either exactly the way you feel or it's exactly what you needed to hear? Well a couple of days ago I had one of those nail on the head kinda moments. What was it you ask?!

One of my friends Andy started a blog last week and I thought I would hop on over to see how it was going. Little did I know that the Lord had me look at his blog just at the right moment. The post was entitled Lovers love themselves.
I actually had to reread the title a couple times to make sure there wasn't a typo or something. Lovers love themeselves?Honestly I was a little confused but definitely intrigued. In this post he talked about the importance of first loving yourself and feeling the love that the Lord has for you before you can truly love anyone else. One thing that he said that really struck my heart was "Why would God create me and then tell me to try and be somebody else?"

Wow what a great reminder! So many times I get so wrapped up in trying to act and look like others that I don't even acknowledged how wonderfully made I truly am. God has made each one of us so uniquely and different. He doesn't want us to be anyone else. He want us to just simply be ourselves!
I know tomorrow is a day that is all about showing others how much you love them (which I love), BUT also take the time to tell yourself how much you..well.. love you. Know that you are so perfect in every way, shape and form! There is no one like..not even one!
You are SO loved!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here is Andy's post if you would like to read more! He's great!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Monkey turns ONE!

Well hello there! Here's a little hint about what I did
this weekend.

If you guessed... went to an AWESOME little sock monkey party you were right!

We celebrated Houston's birthday on Sunday,
but today marks the day he is officially a ONE year old.
AHHH! Where did the time go?!!

Hahaha! I love this picture! Yep, sorry Hoo Hoo I caught you!

This boy is a champ. He finished all his little cake on his own!

Man oh man this little guy makes me smile!
Houston Clark Bryan I love you so so much!
You are going to be such a handsome little heartbreaker.
I am so thankful God blessed me with such a perfect & wonderfully made nephew!

Aunt Stace

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm dreaming of a white....February!

Well hello February! So nice of you to not only bring beautiful white snow but also a perfect reason for the whole city of Abilene to shut down! On Monday night I warned all my friends of the treacherous winter storm that was coming... they all laughed. I told them I was making my way to the grocery store to load up on all the essentials for a perfect snow day...they all laughed! I guess I wasn't the only one that thought of this grand idea because the lines where down the aisle and they even ran out of shopping carts! Hahaha! Well of course I was right about the crazy weather that came and of course I was right about everyone wanting my awesome goodies!

This is how I greeted my roomies and besties (who live next door) as they walked in our house. Haha If they didn't know IT'S A SNOW DAY! This entitles me attempting to be domestic and make muffins and hot chocolate for everybody. The muffins ended up being miniature burnt bites, but the hot chocolate and whip cream was a hit!

Next we were all off to play in the snow! We didn't last long in the 14 degree weather but at least we made a cute little snowgirl!

Meet Penelope!

Griffith Girls! (Minus a couple)

I told you...a Winter Wonderland!

This is our side yard.
Thanks Lauren for modeling how deep the snow really was! Hahaha!

Look at those crazy icicles!

The sign says it all... I LOVE SNOWY DAYS!

Hope yall are staying warm and cozy!
They just announced that school is cancelled again tomorrow! Yippee!!
Maybe I should use this time to get some things done...or not! :)