Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Monkey turns ONE!

Well hello there! Here's a little hint about what I did
this weekend.

If you guessed... went to an AWESOME little sock monkey party you were right!

We celebrated Houston's birthday on Sunday,
but today marks the day he is officially a ONE year old.
AHHH! Where did the time go?!!

Hahaha! I love this picture! Yep, sorry Hoo Hoo I caught you!

This boy is a champ. He finished all his little cake on his own!

Man oh man this little guy makes me smile!
Houston Clark Bryan I love you so so much!
You are going to be such a handsome little heartbreaker.
I am so thankful God blessed me with such a perfect & wonderfully made nephew!

Aunt Stace

1 comment:

  1. Awww, such a sweet post Stacy! Houston sure was happy to see his Aunt Stace there!
