Sunday, April 3, 2011

Did you miss me?!

Well hello there! First let me apologize for being the worst blogger these past couple months. Here's a few things you missed while I've been M.I.A...

1.) My amazing friends came into town for ACU Sing Song! We
had a blast staying up late talking, going to the show and
of course eating at all the places they have missed! Haha
Oh how I miss each and every single one of them.
Love y'all!

2) Kojies WON and they were absolutely AMAZING.
p.s. Did I mention that they also won vocals.
F.Y.I this has not happen in 10 years! So very proud of them!

Shout out to my roomie, Lauren, for being co-director of the act.
All her hard work payed off! She is so talented!

3) I'm blonde again and feel much more like myself!

It's true blondes really do have more fun!

4) I fell more and more in love with my 3rd grade class
that I am student teaching with!
They are so much fun and very talkative! Hahaha
I'm having to pull out all my tricks to keep them from talking
and going off the deep in!
Last week and this week I am teaching everything all day.
Woo Hoo!

I have learned two things from this so far...
a.) Teachers do not get near enough credit for all that they do.If anyone thinks teaching is easy and something anyone can do you are so...WRONG! :)
b). I know more than ever that I want to touch the lives of children and make them feel so very loved. If that is through teaching, than I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me.

5) Finally let me introduce you to the newest member of the Griffith household...
Koby...aka.Kobster, Kobman, Kobes, and Bub

This "man of the house" is what people like to call a ch-weenie.
A mix between a chiwawa and a weenie dog! Hahaha He really is so so cute!

Ok now that I have finally caught you up to speed on my simple life I want to tell you something that is currently going on.

Today at church David talked about Fasting until Easter. I have always liked the idea of Fasting but never really thought I could do it and just didn't really have the desire to. This morning I felt very strongly that this was something that the Lord wants me to do in this season. I have decide that I am going to give up T.V. For those of you that don't know..I kinda love T.V. It's not that I just sit around and watch pointless shows all night
but I get really caught up in series. Pathetic thing is that at least one of "my shows" comes on every night of the week.Also thanks to my lovely mother I have become addicted to
One Life to Live..I know I know terrible! Hahaha

This is something that I feel strongly I need to Fast from. A lot of the shows that I watch are shows that all of us girls watch together so this will be very tough. Also I have a really hard time falling asleep at night and have developed a really bad habit of relying of the T.V. to go to sleep. I feel like the Lord wants me to use this Fast to rely more on Him then anything else and to devote more of my time to Him. The Lord so strongly wants us to crave and desire his presence and I know this fast is going to make our relationship that much deeper.

What will you give up that will allow you to spend more time with our heavenly Daddy?


  1. So glad to have you back! Thanks for all the updating. I agree that fasting from tv would be SO helpful. I'd like to do something like that...I'll be thinking about what.

  2. Love that you are blonde again! :) So proud of you for fasting especially from TV!
